From what I remember, while we were filming for The Truth, Sean Kelso and Billy O'Neill both wanted to have truspin front torque clips on rails for their sections. Even today I still can't think of many other people who have done that trick on a down rail. Billy did his earlier on while filming in Philly and this was Seans. Sean also followed this up with a truspin backslide from the opposite side. This photo might have appeared on the inside cover of The Truth DVD, I'm not 100% sure about that. Sean is a good boy on blades.
I don't have the metadata on this sequence anymore sine it was patched together from many stills. All I remember is that it was shot on a Canon 40D with a Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye.
Earlier that day, Sean also laced this beasty fishbrain on this droprail: